"...For the rest of my life I will reflect on what light is."
- Albert Einstein
Akshit Peer, PhD
Research Engineer
Components Research
Intel Corporation
Hillsboro, Oregon
Welcome! This is Akshit Peer. I am currently working as a Components Research Engineer at Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, USA. The development facility, also known as Portland Technology Development, is Intel's hub for research and development of next generation microprocessors. I am responsible for leading scientific research enabling manufacturing of innovative metal interconnects (back end of line) for advanced microprocessors. I received my Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Iowa State University in 2017, where my dissertation was primarily focused on simulation, fabrication, and characterization of periodically patterned structures for applications in plasmonics, solar cells, and biomedical devices. Before joining Iowa State University, I completed my B. Tech. in Software Engineering from Delhi Technological University in 2013.
I enjoy cooking, listening to music, playing piano, and travelling during my leisure time. To know more about me or to get in touch with me, explore this website.